Sea Ports of Benin [2022 List]

Find the Sea Ports of Benin with their contact number, fax, email id, address and brief information. The small African nation of Benin is bordered on 3 sides by 3 countries. On its south lies the Gulf of Guinea. The country has a population of close to 12 million.

Benin is a largely agriculture-based economy. Cotton and palm oil are two of its major export commodities. The tropical climate helps in the farming of varied products. Some of these are cocoa, pineapples, maize, peanuts, rice, etc. Many of these products are exported to within & outside Africa. Marine products are also exported, primarily to Europe.

With the rise in international trade, sea ports of Benin’s have also seen a lot of infrastructural development. They are now poised to handle the growing traffic with ease. Let’s take a look at Benin’s ports below.

Ports of Benin


The port of Cotonou is among the largest in the western part of the African continent. Aided by top-class infrastructure & automation, Cotonou handles the international trade traffic between Benin and Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. The port is akin to the economic engine of Benin. It generates more than 60% of Benin’s GDP and handles over 90% of the country’s international trade.

  • Population: 690,584
  • Time zone:GMT+1
  • Country: Benin, Africa
  • Currency: XOF
  • Phone:+229 2131 5280, +229 2131 2890
  • Fax:+229 2131 2891
  • E-mail: pac@leland.bjWeb
  • Website:
  • Anchorage depth: 11m – 12.2m
  • Cargo pier depth: 9.4m – 10m
  • Oil terminal depth: 9.4m – 10m
  • Dry dock: Small
  • Harbor size: Small
  • Railway size: Large
  • Harbor Type: Coastal Breakwater
  • Max size: Over 500 feet in length
  • Repairs: Limited
  • Shelter: Good

Seme Terminal

The port of Seme Terminal is a small-sized port of the country. As of now, it handles mainly agro-based cargo and some chemicals. An oil pipeline project is underway between Benin and neighboring Nigeria. Once active, this facility would avail of Seme Terminal’s services for outbound petroleum shipment.

  • Population: 234, 168
  • Time zone:GMT+1
  • Country: Benin, Africa
  • Currency: XOF
  • Water location: Bight of Benin Bay
  • Anchorage depth: 23.2m – OVER
  • Cargo pier depth: N/A
  • Oil terminal depth:17.1m – 18.2m
  • Dry dock: N/A
  • Harbor size: Very Small
  • Railway size: N/A
  • Harbor Type: Open Roadstead
  • Max size: Over 500 feet in length
  • Repairs: None
  • Shelter: Poor


Bohicon is another small port of Benin. It is still undergoing expansion and modernization to be able to handle a larger quantum of traffic. It handles both inbound and outbound cargo as of now. One of the key cargos it handles is cottonseed.


Glazouehandles a minor volume of Benin’s international trade traffic, mostly agro products. It is a land port and handles overland import & export shipments.


Porto-Novo is Benin’s capital city. It also has a small-sized port located by the Gulf of Guinea. It handles a moderate volume of sea-based inbound and outbound cargo. It is also used as an inlet to neighboring Nigeria’s ports. Porto-Novo handles cargos like Agri commodities, building materials, foodstuff, and medicines.


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